Best things with two kära vänner getting married.

  • That you have known the date since months, but you're still surprised when it suddenly arrives.
  • To finally see the dress in real life. And it's amazing. 
  • Ringing the bells and seeing the two stand outside of the church and look just as super nervous as they look beautiful. 
  • The priest using his alb to wipe the sweat from his forehead. He is excused - imagine 30 degrees, a full church, 99% humidity and wearing a chasuble. 
  • Sweating in a short dress and being very happy for not being a guy in a suit.
  • Throwing linses and seeds.
  • Trying to congratulate the bride's father. #Notagoodplan (In Sweden you only congratulate the people that the party is about. Not the entire family.) 
  • Discovering that one has received a new second name.
  • Glädjen. Lyckan. Tal. And: musiken.

First you said no, then you said yes, then you said my love
And now your man stands in front of you, and you are so beautiful.
And the bridal march goes, the bridal march goes, it's for us today
Because today life gives us to live as a couple.

And we don't know the way, it's so easy to get lost,
And we are so small, so small sometimes and life is so big
Happiness is fragile like a flower, it can wither, it can break
But life is like a root that lives when the flower is gone
Moments, take them with you, the happiness we won
Amidst the darkness are all the good things we have received
all the good things we have received.

First you said no, then you said yes, then you said my love
And now your man stands in front of you, and you are so beautiful.
And the bridal march goes, the bridal march goes, it's for us today
Because today life gives us to live as a couple.

(Attempt to translation. This is Norwegian, not Swedish.) 
