If I would play in a tv quiz

Welcome to ‘A Yes or a No – Then You’ll Go’ – the famous quiz in which candidates have to answer questions without saying the words ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Our next candidate is Paula, a 25-year-old student from the Netherlands. She studies in Lund, Sweden.

Paula, welcome.
Tack så mycket.

Excuse me?
Oh sorry, that was ‘thank you’ in Swedish. A little joke of mine.

Well, very funny. Shall we just start the quiz?
Bring it on! I’m all set for it.

Good luck.
Well Paula, I have been informed that you are a student of religion. I assume that means that you’re studying to become a pastor or something.
Not directly so. My MA program is in religious studies, which is very close to theology, but it’s not completely the same. The program studies the roots of Christianity, Islam and Judaism from an outsider perspective. And as it is a two-year program, many students aim to continue for a PhD.

Ah, so you will assume a career in science?
Not very likely, to be honest. I already struggle finishing a 30-ECTS thesis. Writing four years on one and the same project might not be the best option for me, I guess.

Hm, alright. So it’s not going so well with that thesis of yours?
Shhh, don’t mention the word! I might get an allergic reaction or at least give you a look that might kill you. But indeed, thesis and me have so far been facing some problems in our relationship, but I am sure we we’ll solve those. Before the end of the year, preferably.

Well, *you* were actually the first to say the word thesis. Remember?
Oj, good point. Sorry.

Never mind. In any case, I assume that you plan to get a job as soon as you’re done?
Well, let’s hope that I do. The job market isn’t very friendly right now. But I am sure that I will eventually find something.

And what would you actually like to do?
Ehh…good question. If it would have something to do with church, religion, Swedish, Dutch, English, languages in general, translating, writing, journalism or culture, I would be very happy. But I wouldn’t mind working in a cafeteria for a few months first, actually.

And you would of course return to the Netherlands to find that job?
Nja, possibly. But I might also stay somewhat longer in Sweden, depending on whether the job-seeking goes well.

Wait – you might emigrate to Sweden for good?!
Wait, that I never said! I might just stay a bit longer here, which doesn’t necessarily mean that I’ll still be around here when I’m 89. It’s just that I like life there a lot and I could even consider studying more next to my prospective job. Scandinavia is heaven for students after all: nobody pays tuition fee!*

Okay. That’s ridicu*cough*…brilliant. Just to summarize: by January next year, you might be graduated, you might be still be studying, you might still be living in Sweden and you might have a job. Is that a proper representation of the situation?
Well, I guess so, yes.

*Loud noise*

Oh Paula, that’s such a shame, a ‘yes’ in the last minute. You almost won the 10.000 euros, but just 23 seconds short… Instead you’ll go home with a t-shirt of our show with my signature on it. And as an extra prize we’ll give you the book “Quarterlife Crisis – What Is It and Why Not To Worry About It.”

Ladies and Gentlemen, thanks for watching!

*Except if you’re a non-EU or EEA student, then you actually pay a high tuition fee. But I forgot that in the all the commotion of being in a television quiz, obviously.
