Brief aan de Kerstman
Beste Kerstman,
(Santa? Jultomten? Dit is mijn eerste brief aan u, dus ik weet niet zo goed hoe
ik u moet adresseren.)
U denkt zeker dat
u ook zo’n gezellige brief van me krijgt, zoals ik die aan uw oudere (en
originelere) collega heb gestuurd? Vergeet het maar. Ik wil slechts even
laten weten dat u mijn huisje dit jaar voorbij kunt gaan. Nou was u dat
waarschijnlijk al van plan. Ik ben
tenslotte te oud en daarnaast ben ik nooit echt een trouwe gelovige in u
geweest, net zoals de meeste Nederlanders. Sorry.
Ik wil u desalniettemin bedanken dat u uw werk doet voor andere kinderen en ik wens u ook dit jaar veel succes in de winterkou. Mocht u in real-life willen reageren op deze brief, kom dan even langs in Oslo. (Dat ligt tenslotte al een stuk dichterbij de Noordpool dan Lund.) Ik verblijf namelijk van dinsdagavond tot zaterdagavond in de Noorse hoofdstad.
De beste wensen,
Paula Dubbink
Dear Santa,
Paula Dubbink
Dear Santa,
You thought you’d receive a nice letter too, like the one
that I wrote to your older (and more original) colleague? Forget it. I just
wanted to let you know to please skip my house this year. Probably you already
planned on doing that. After all, I am too old and I have never been a very
faithful believer in you, like most Dutch people. Sorry for that.
But the real reason is that I don’t need anything. I am
serious. I feel already sufficiently blessed as I have two wonderful parents,
who took the time and effort to send a package with a complete Advent Calendar
(indeed, consisting of 23 small presents with numbers on it) in a box. Together with an
Allerhande (yep, a free food magazine that I miss), self-made gevulde speculaas
(you won’t know what that is, but rest assured that it’s better than that Coca
Cola you advertise for) and a sweet letter, it was more than I could ever wish
for or dream of. It made me even slightly emotional. That makes your job quite
superfluous, right?
I nevertheless want to thank you for doing your work for
other children and I wish you all luck also for this year, working in the
winter cold. In case you feel like responding to this letter in person: from
Tuesday to Saturday night, I will be residing in Oslo, which is already a lot
closer to the North Pole than Lund. Maybe see you there?
All the best,
Paula Dubbink
Paula Dubbink
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