8 december - Second Sunday of Advent

Nobody notices that I missed out on today right? Fortunately it is possible to adjust the time of publication - it's actually already the ninth now, ghehe.

Today, nothing Swedish - just some wandering thoughts. 
At my return home after my first term in Sweden last year, my father asked me whether I was looking forward to Christmas. My impulsive response: “I don’t know. I might like Advent more than Christmas, actually.” This became the intro of my father’s Christmas sermon. The joy of being a pastor’s daughter. ;-)

But it is true: I love the time of anticipation that Advent is. The extra candle every week, which brings back good memories of childhood. The lights everywhere, beautiful Advent songs and old (and far from easy) texts about the coming of God's Kingdom in church. The longing for something that transcends the shop windows and the trees. (Even if they both look great!) The hope for...well, for hope itself, maybe. That we can trust that whatever sad and bad happened over the past year - let's take everything from horrible natural disasters to a fight with a good friend, will one day (no clue when, but the thought is comforting) be forgotten, when all will be well.

But when Christmas actually is there (and yes, I thoroughly enjoy the familial and food aspects of the feast), the amount of lights can almost become too much. 'Silent Night, Holy Night', they sing - not my favorite song anyways - and the Glorias succeed each other in high speed. 
Wait, what is now left to long for? Nothing? And where is that peace on earth we sing about? Is that our own task, or something? 

Well, I guess and hope I'm not the only one. ;-) 

In any case, the second candle is burning. But a little hesitant, it seems… 
