9 december - Gläd dig, du Kristi brud

We're deep in Advent, so I guessed it was time for a real Swedish Advent hymn. But actually Gläd dig du Kristi brud was originally written in Danish, in 1632. Ten years later, a Swedish translation of the in total 7 verses was made. After tons of adaptations, it can still be found in the hymn book of the Swedish Church, nr 104.

Here a somewhat alternative version (at least the first stanza), but later they sing the regular melody, though with a bit more of a swing. They sing stanzas 1-3 and 5.

1. Rejoice, you bride of Christ,
And praise the Lord, your God.
The big day you have witnessed
As foretold by the prophet.
Hosianna, praise and glory!
Our king is near now.

2. A donkey carries him,
Who is the prince of peace.
His splendor is little,
But death he can compel
Hosianna, praise and glory!
Our king is near now.

3. Meek, gentle and good
He gives hope to the weak
If you want to belong to him,
he will be your salvation.
Hosianna, praise and glory!
Our king is near now.

5. Shout to the skies 
at this joyful sight: 
here comes the first of Sion,
the greatest among kings.
Hosianna, praise and glory!
Our king is near now.
